EU-CARES Think Tank!

For purposes of gaining a larger territorial reach in Bosnia and Herzegovina, two Think Tanks were organized in the Federation of BiH (05/07/2023 in Tuzla and 17/07/2023 in Sarajevo). A total of 23 participants were actively involved in both events. The open discussions and debates by participants led to constructive dialogues and valuable inputs that will be embedded in the EU-CARES material to be developed over the course of the project implementation. The participant body was very diverse which included youth, youth experts and workers, political decision makers, researchers and university professors. One of the important conclusions that could be drawn from the Think Tank events is that there is a discrepancy and opposition in perception between the elderly generations and youth in regards to approaches, techniques and storytelling practices that would be good for collective trauma healing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two very important concepts to consider emerged during both Think Tanks held in Bosnia and Herzegovina when it comes to reconciliation are multiperspective and critical thinking.

  • Multiperspective is an approach or concept that includes understanding and taking into account different perspectives, attitudes and experiences when analyzing, interpreting and approaching a certain topic, event or situation. Rather than relying on just one view or one interpretation, multiperspectivity involves recognizing that different people may have different perspectives, values, beliefs, and experiences that shape their way of thinking.
  • Critical thinking can make a significant contribution to reconciliation and the process of reconciliation in several ways:
    Breaking stereotypes: Critical thinking encourages individuals to look at the bigger picture, challenging them to question stereotypes and prejudices they hold about other people or groups.
    Promoting dialogue and open conversation: Critical thinking encourages openness to different perspectives and encourages constructive discussions. It encourages individuals to listen to and understand different views and experiences, and creates space for dialogue between opposing parties in a conflict.
    Active citizenship and engagement: Critical thinking encourages individuals to take responsibility for change and contribute to society. Through community engagement, individuals can take steps towards reconciliation, promoting tolerance, understanding and inclusion. Critical thinking also encourages individuals to oppose violence, discrimination and intolerance and promote values of reconciliation.