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[:bs]U okviru poziva 2019. KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the excange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnership for adult education, za finansiranje je odobren projekt pod nazivom „CUltural administration Boosting with the Engagement of Sustainability for local communities“ – CUBES.

Službena primjena projekta započinje od 01.10.2019. i trajat će do 30.09.2021. godine. Konzorcij sedam partnerskih institucija okuplja predstavnike iz Litvanije, Portugala, Grčke, Kipra, Rumunije, Francuske i Sarajevo Susret Kultura iz Bosne i Hercegovine. CUBES projektom koordinira MB „Homo Eminenes“ iz Litvanije.

CUBES proizlazi iz potrebe za stvaranjem i širenjem znanja o održivoj administraciji opipljivih i nematerijalnih kulturnih resursa, kako bi se stvarno osnažili svi sektori društva na posjedovanje i upravljanje njihovim kulturnim resursima na održivi način, usmjereni i na kulturnu demokratiju i na kulturnu održivost.

Ciljevi CUBES su:

  • Osnaživanje lokalnih zajednica u zemljama sudionicama sa znanjem i sviješću o važnim aspektima kulturne uprave i održivog razvoja
  • Pružiti svo potrebno znanje ciljnim grupama kako bi mogle djelovati kao mentori uloga za pristupne tačke u lokalnim zajednicama, preuzimajući odgovornost informisanja, vođenja, mentorisanja ostalih članova zajednica u nizu kulturnih okvira upravljanja i održivosti
  • Pružiti priliku mladima i ženama lokalnih zajednica da budu vodeće
  • Iskoristiti mogućnosti koje nudi IT i digitalizirati kvalitet sadržaja učenja kao pokretača za sistemske promjene u kulturnoj administraciji i održivosti i za povećanje kvaliteta obuke
  • Stvoriti i isporučiti inovativne proizvode i obuku digitalnih alata – prema prilagođenim resursima za učenje – temeljenim na metodologijama diferencijacije i pristupima obrazovanju odraslih.

Radujemo se uspješnom pokretanju projekta i njegovoj dvogodišnjoj implementaciji!

 [:en]Under Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnership for adult education, a project under the title „CUltural administration Boosting with the Engagement of Sustainability for local communities“ – CUBES has been approved for funding.

It's official implementation commences on 01.10.2019. and will last until 30.09.2021. The seven Institution partner consortium gathers representatives from Lithuania, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, France and Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures from Bosnia and Herzegovina. CUBES is coordinated by the MB „Homo Eminenes“ from Lithuania.

CUBES derives from the need to create and disseminate know-how regarding the sustainable administration of tangible and intangible cultural resources in order to really empower all sectors of society to own and administer their cultural resources in sustainable ways, aiming at both cultural democracy and cultural sustainability.

CUBES objectives are:

  • To empower local communities in the participating countries with knowledge and awareness on significant aspects of cultural administration and sustainable development
  • To provide target groups with all the necessary knowledge so that they can act as access point-role mentors in the local communities, taking up the responsibility of informing, guiding, mentoring (as Boosters, now) the other members of the communities in a series of cultural management & sustainability framework
  • To give the chance to youth & women of these local communities to be in the leading and take the opportunity to be also these ‘boosters’ in their communities
  • To take advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT and digitize the quality of learning content as a driver for systematic change in cultural administration & sustainability and for an increase in the quality of training
  • To create and deliver innovative products and training digital tools- as tailored needs learning resources – based on differentiation methodologies and adult education approaches

Looking forward to a successful project launch and a two-year implementation!
