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[:bs]”DiCultYouth”, Sarajevo[:en]”DiCultYouth”, Sarajevo[:]


2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project „DiCultYouth: Digitization and Culture for new generations“ – Sarajevo

Sarajevo Susret Kultura je proteklih dana bio domaćin konzorcija u okviru projekta Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership – „DiCultYouth: Digitization and Culture for new generations.“

Imali smo priliku da ugostimo svoje partnere iz Srbije, Kipra i Grčke, te zajedno sa njima analiziramo do sada urađene aktivnosti, kao i aktivnosti koje tek trebamo da implementiramo.​

Razgovarali smo o trenutnom stanju digitalnih vještina u sektorima kulture i kulturnog naslijeđa, te o potrebnim znanjima i kompetencijama kako bi te iste poboljšali.​

Projekt DiCultYouth će pružiti neformalno obrazovanje koje će potaknuti rad i zapošljavanje mladih ljudi, kroz njihovo učešće i volontiranje u kulturnom sektoru koristeći nove tehnologije, koje su prilagođene današnjem zahtjevnom tržištu rada. Nedovoljna integracija mladih u društvo, formalno obrazovanje bez praktičnog rada, nedostatak prilagođavanja obrazovanja sve zahtijevnijem tržištu rada predstavljaju jedne od najranjivijih segmenata ove populacije u kontekstu sticanja znanja i vještina za njihovu egzistenciju na radnom tržištu.​

Ovim projektom se žele stvoriti uslovi za afirmaciju mladih, te smanjivanje njihove potrebe za odlaskom iz zemlje tako što će imati mogućnost da se kroz inovativne tehnologije prilagode na promjene, i time se integrišu u društvo, dobiju obrazovanje, praksu, te vještine i znanje potrebne na današnjem sve konkurentnijem tržištu rada.

It's time to make![:en]

2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the Erasmus + Project „DiCultYouth: Digitization and Culture for new generations“ – Sarajevo

Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures has hosted a consortium of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership project – „DiCultYouth: Digitization and Culture for new generations“ in recent days.

We had the opportunity to host our partners from Serbia, Cyprus and Greece, and together with them analyze the activities we have done so far, as well as the activities we have yet to implement.

We discussed the current state of digital skills in the cultural and cultural heritage sectors, as well as the necessary knowledge and competences to improve them.

The DiCultYouth project will provide non-formal education that will encourage young people's work and employment through their participation and volunteering in the cultural sector, using new technologies, adapted to today's demanding job market. Insufficient integration of young people into society, formal education without practical work, lack of adaptation of education to the increasingly demanding labor market represent one of the most vulnerable segments of this population in the context of acquiring knowledge and skills for their existence in the labor market.

This project seeks to create the conditions for affirmation of young people and reducing their need to leave the country by being able to adapt to changes through innovative technologies, integrating into society, receiving education, practice, skills and knowledge needed today's increasingly competitive job market.

It's time to make![:]