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[:bs]”Susret Kultura”, Sarajevo[:en]”Meeting of Cultures”, Sarajevo[:]


Seminar – promocija knjige – izložba fotografija / „Susret Kultura“

7. maja 2019. godine u Umjetničkoj galeriji BiH, Sarajevo Susret Kultura je na seminaru za turističke aktere i predstavnike kulturnih i univerzitetskih institucija predstavio nove moguće turističko-kulturne atrakcije u Novom Sadu i Kotoru, u kojima će turistička ponuda biti razvijena po konceptu “Susret Kultura” koji se već uspješno primjenjuje u Sarajevu.

U okviru seminara su predstavljene nove rute, destinacije i lokacije u Sarajevu, Novom Sadu i Kotoru kroz atraktivno ispričane priče (storytelling), te je također predstavljena knjiga “Susret Kultura” u kojoj su ove lokacije obrađene, kao i izložba fotografija autora Almina Zrne, Ranka Maraša i Lazara Lazića.

Aktivnosti na razvoju nove turističke ponude u Novom Sadu i Kotoru i njihovom uvezivanju sa turističkom ponudom Sarajeva kroz zajedničku regionalnu turisitčku rutu “Susreta Kultura” se realizuju kroz projekat “SeeCulture”, a finansiraju se nepovratnim sredstvima dodjeljenim u sklopu krovnog Projekta za razvoj i promociju turizma na Zapadnom Balkanu, kojeg provodi Vijeće za regionalnu saradnju (RCC), a finansira Evropska unija (EU).



Seminar – Book Promotion – Photo Exhibition / “Meeting of Cultures”

May 7, 2019 at the Art Gallery of BiH, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures presented at the seminar for tourist actors and representatives of cultural and university institutions new possible tourist and cultural attractions in Novi Sad and Kotor, in which the tourist offer will be developed according to the concept “Meeting of Cultures” which is already being successfully implemented in Sarajevo.

The seminar introduced new routes, destinations and locations in Sarajevo, Novi Sad and Kotor through attractive storytelling, as well as a book called “Meeting of Cultures” in which these locations were processed, as well as an exhibition of photographs by authors Almin Zrno, Ranko Maraš and Lazar Lazić.

Activities on the development of new tourist offer in Novi Sad and Kotor and their connection to the Sarajevo tourist offer through the common regional tourist route “Meetings of Cultures” are realized through the project “SeeCulture”, and are financed by grants awarded under the umbrella project for development and promotion of tourism in the Western Balkans, implemented by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and funded by the European Union (EU).[:]