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[:bs]”Susret Kultura”, Novi Sad[:en]”Meeting of Cultures”, Novi Sad[:]


Sarajevo susret kultura širi svoj koncept na Novi Sad i Kotor, predstavlja novu kulturno-turističku rutu

U okviru projekta SeeCulture finasiran nepovratnim sredstvima dodjeljenim u sklopu krovnog Projekta za razvoj i promociju turizma na Zapadnom Balkanu kojeg provodi Vijeće za regionalnu saradnju (RCC), a finansira Evropska unija (EU), Departman za geografiju turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematičkom Fakultetu, Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu je bio domaćin seminara – Meeting of Cultures u ponedjeljak 08. aprila 2019., od 13:00 – 15:00

Kao rezultat  Okruglog stola na temu „ Nove turističko kulturne destinacije na Balkanu – Susret kultura» u Novom Sadu„ održanog  11. decembra, 2018. godine, te nakon istraživanja i određivanja potencijalnih novih kulturno-turističkih  lokacija,  Sarajevo susret kultura sa svojim partnerima organizuje edukacije na temu „Susret kultura“. Na Seminaru su predstavljene 30 atraktivnih lokacija iz Sarajeva, Novog Sada i Kotora, uvezanih u jednu moguću zajedničku kulturno turističku rutu „Meeting of Cultures“.

Na seminaru su predstavljene tehnike storytelling – vještine pričanja, 30 lokacija, kao i edukacioni materijal. Učesnici su bili predstavnici turističkih agencija, galerija, muzeja, relavantnih ministarstava i Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.

Predavači su bili :

Dr Miloš Ćuruvija, Futurizam – Travel and Tourism Consulting
Bogdan Janjušević, Pokrajinski Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture
Dr Miroslav Vujičić, Departman za geografiju turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematičkom Fakultetu, Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu
Dr Đorđije Vasiljević , Departman za geografiju turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematičkom Fakultetu, Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu
Jana Čarkadžić, Sarajevo susret kultura, Bosna i Herzegovina

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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Sarajevo Meeting Of Cultures and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Regional Cooperation Council or the European Union.

[:en]Within the SeeCulture project, funded by a grant awarded under Regional Cooperation Council's „Support to the implementation of the RCC Triple-P Tourism in SEE: Promotion, Policy and Pilots Grants Work Programme“, a project under the title „Strengthening of WB Identity by Exploiting Cultural Cross-roads to Brand New Tourist Destination“ – SeeCulture, implemented by Regional Cooperation Council's (RCC), funded by the European Union (EU), Department of Geography Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science, The University of Novi Sad hosted a seminar – Meeting of Cultures on Monday, 08 April 2019., from 13:00 – 15:00h.

As a result of the Round Table on „New Tourist Cultural Destinations in the Balkans – Meeting of Cultures“ in Novi Sad, held on December 11, 2018., and after exploring and identifying potential new cultural and tourist sites, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures with its partners organizes education on theme „Meeting of Cultures“. At this training, 30 attractive locations from Sarajevo, Novi Sad and Kotor, connected to one possible cultural and tourist route od Meeting of Cultures, were presented. Activities on the development of a new tourist offer in Novi Sad and Kotor and their connection with the tourist offer of Sarajevo through a common regional tourist route are being realized.

The seminar featured storytelling techniques – storytelling skills, 30 locations, as well as educational material.

The lectures were:
Dr. Miloš Ćuruvija, Futurism – Travel and Tourism Consulting
Bogdan Janjušević, Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
Dr. Miroslav Vujičić, Department of Geography Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science, The University od Novi Sad
Dr. Đorđije Vasiljević, Department of Geography Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science, The University od Novi Sad
Jana Čarkadžić, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures, Bosnia and Herzegovina[:]