[:bs]Kulturno naslijeđe ima važnu ulogu u izgradnji imidža zemlje, i u tom smislu, kulturni turizam se mora iskoristiti da bi se pozitivna slika jedne zemlje mogla prenijeti i na međunarodnoj razini. Do sada, Sarajevo Susret Kultura je bio fokusiran na muziku i umjetnost za razvoj autentičnih kulturno – turističkih proizvoda.
Muzički proizvod je događaj pod nazivom „Muzika priča“ i predstavlja razvijeni program svih historijskih doba i kultura od klasične muzike, jazz muzike, tradicionalne sefardske pa sve do stare tradiocionalne (sevdalinke) kao kombinacije cjelokupne muzike koja je grad Sarajevo označila kao susret kultura, i muzike, koja je kroz stoljeća ostavila trag na bosanskoj kulturi. Program je osmišljen na način da slušatelje (javnost) provodi kroz vrijeme raznim kompozicijama koje svira DUO WE i ansambl Corona, doticajući historijska razdoblja bosansko-hercegovačke muzičke scene i njene trednove razvoja. Ona nastoji pružiti priliku muzičarima iz Bosne i Hercegovine da se putem muzičkih nota, melodija, ritmova i harmonijskih veza povežu s publikom, ma tko i gdje god bili. Ovaj muzički događaj prvi put je izveden u Nacionalnoj galeriji Bosne i Hercegovine u decembru, 2015. godine.
“Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find their way to the innermost soul and take strongest hold upon it.” (Plato)
[:en]Culture and heritage have an important role in building of a country’s image, and in that sense, cultural tourism must be employed powerfully to also pass on that positive image internationally. Until now, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures focused on music and art to develop authentic cultural tourism products.
The musical product is an event called “Music Speaks” and it is a developed program that includes music from all historical periods and cultures varying from classical, jazz, traditional Sephardic music to the old traditional music (sevdalinka) as a combination of all the music that marked Sarajevo as meeting of cultures, and music, which over the centuries left a mark on Bosnian culture. The program is designed in such a way that it takes the listeners (public) through time by various compositions played by DUO WE and ensemble Corona, touching the historical periods of Bosnian-Herzegovinian music scene and its development trends. It aspires to provide an opportunity for musicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina to connect through musical notes, melodies, rhythms, and harmonies with the audience, whoever and wherever they may be. This musical event was performed for the first time at the National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina in December 2015.
“Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else rhythm and harmony find their way to the innermost soul and take strongest hold upon it.” (Plato)
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