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[:bs]”SeeCulture” – ODOBREN[:en]”SeeCulture” – APPROVED[:]

[:bs]U sklopu krovnog Projekta za razvoj i promociju turizma na Zapadnom Balkanu kojeg provodi Vijeće za regionalnu saradnju (RCC), projekt pod naslovom „Strengthening of WB Identity by Exploiting Cultural Cross-roads to Brand New Tourist Destination“ – SeeCulture je odobren za finansiranje.

Noseći svoju bogatu historiju i predstavljajući raskršće civilizacija kroz stoljeća, regija Zapadnog Balkana može ponuditi mnogo toga u smislu sjećanja. Povijest i legende (koje su zaboravile mlađe generacije) mogu se oživjeti poticajnim interpretacijama i predstaviti široj publici objašnjenjem kako su se gradovi Zapadnog Balkana tijekom godina oblikovali i preuređivali da bi postali to što jesu danas. U današnje vrijeme, tehnike poput razvoja proizvoda, brendiranja, pripovjedanja i umrežavanja imaju ključnu ulogu u održivom razvoju destinacije.

Konkretno, projekt se bavi temom „raskršće civilizacija kao regionalni identitet – utvrde kao prvi arhipelag proizvoda koji su uveli identitet“, pionirajući novi regionalni proizvod/rutu pod nazivom „Susret Kultura“ čiji je cilj pozitivno uticati na poslovanje na razvijenoj regionalnoj turističkoj ruti.

Ceremonija dodjela održat će se u Sarajevu u prostorijama Sekretarijata RCC-a, 09. novembra, 2018. godine.

Radujemo se uspješnom pokretanju i realizaciji projekta!

Ovaj projekt finansira Europska unija.[:en]Under Regional Cooperation Council’s “Support to the implementation of the RCC Triple-P Tourism in SEE: Promotion, Policy, and Pilots Grants Work Programme”, a project under the title ‘Strengthening of WB Identity by Exploiting Cultural Cross-roads to Brand New Tourist Destinations’ – SeeCulture is approved for funding.

Wearing its rich history and being a cross-road of multiple civilizations over centuries, the Western Balkan region has much to offer in terms of remembrances. The history and legends (forgotten by the younger generations), can be revitalized through stimulating interpretations and presented to the wider audience by explaining how the WB cities have been shaped and remodeled over the years to become what they are today. In a new departure, techniques such as product development, branding, storytelling and networking play a pivotal role in sustainable destination development.

Specifically, the project addresses the theme of the ‘cross-roads of civilizations as regional identity – fortifications to be the first product archipelago to introduce the identity’, pioneering a new regional product/route under the name “Meeting of Cultures” that aims to positively influence the business activity along the developed regional tourism route. The chosen localities in Sarajevo, Kotor and Novi Sad aim to become new tourist destination starting points for visitors of the cities, but also offer, within a specific geographic area, a distinctive and untold narrative of the cities’ evolvement.

The Grant Award Ceremony will take place in Sarajevo at RCC Secretariat premises on November 9, 2018.

Looking forward to a successful project launch and implementation!

This project is funded by the European Union.[:]