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[:bs]DiCultYouth igra je sada dostupna online[:en]DiCultYouth Game is now available online[:]

[:bs]Projekt DiCultYouth pokrenuo je „DiCultYouth Game“, inovativnu igru čiji je cilj upoznati mlade sa kulturnom baštinom. U igri korisnici mogu posjetiti virtualne lokacije i proći kroz pitanja koja će im pomoći u razvoju novih digitalnih vještina. Igra se sastoji od 45 jednostavnih mini igara, podijeljenih  na različite nivoe.

Cilj ove igre je da motiviše mlade ljude da poboljšaju svoje znanje i traže zaposlenje u kulturnom sektoru, te podižu svoju kulturnu svijest. Za razvoj igre partneri projekta proveli su komparativnu  analizu podataka prikupljenih na Kipru, u Luksemburgu, Grčkoj, Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji.

Check the DiCultYouth Game out at the project’s website by visiting the link below and signing up:

For more information on DiCultYouth you can visit the project’s Facebook Page.

[:en]The DiCultYouth project has launched the DiCultYouth Game, an innovative game that aims to familiarise the youth with Cultural Heritage. In the Game, users can visit virtual locations and go through questions that will help them develop new digital skills. The game consists of 45 simple mini games divided in different difficulty levels.

The Game’s goal is to motivate young people to enhance their knowledge and seek employability in the cultural sector and raise cultural awareness. For the Game’s development, partners of the project have conducted a comparative analysis of data collected in Cyprus, Luxembourg, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

Check the DiCultYouth Game out at the project’s website by visiting the link below and signing up:

For more information on DiCultYouth you can visit the project’s Facebook Page.[:]