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[:bs]„Nove turističko kulturne destinacije na Balkanu – Susret kultura”, Sarajevo[:en]„New tourist cultural destinations in the Balkans – Meeting of Cultures“, Sarajevo[:]


“Tragove ne ostavljamo za sebe, tragove ostavljamo iza sebe”

Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures is expanding it’s idea of new destinations „Meeting of Cultures“ with the great support of friends and partners from Novi Sad and Kotor. The rethinking of the destination and the „Meeting of Cultures“ route connects the cities of Sarajevo, Novi Sad and Kotor and represents the beginning of the promotion of our heritage, with the hope that we will extend this idea to the whole region and set an example for the whole of Europe and the world.

The Regional Council (RCC) whit the help of funds provided by the European Union, with the purpose of improvement, unifying and promoting offers cultural and adventure tourism in six economies in the Western Balkan, has launched a project to develop and promote tourism of the Western Balkan region.

The main objective of the „SeeCulture“ project is the sustainable development of cultural and tourist destinations and the creation of preconditions for the establishment of a new cultural route „Meeting of Cultures“ by strengthening the common cultural identity of the Western Balkans and the tourist network in order to promote a positive image and better understanding of the Region.

U okviru ovog Projekta, Sarajevo susret kultura u saradnji sa Muzejom Sarajeva, Departmanom za geografiju turizam i hotelijerstvo, Prirodno-matematičkim fakultetom , Univerzitetom  u Novom Sadu, Pokrajinskim zavodom za zaštitu spomenika kulture, Turističkom organizacijom Kotor pokreće projekat „Strengthening of WB Identity by Exploiting Cultural Cross-roads to Brand New Tourist Destinations (SeeCulture).

Početak ove naše zajedničke inicijative obilježen je održavanjem  Okruglih stolova na temu „New tourist cultural destinations in the Balkans – Meeting of Cultures“ in Novi Sad, Kotor and Sarajevo.

Zajednički zaključak više od 70 učesnika na Okruglim stolovima je potreba za uspostavljanjem nove turističke kulturne rute « Susret kultura «.


„We do not leave traces for our sake, we leave them behind!“ 

Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures is expanding it's idea of new destinations „Meeting of Cultures“ with the great support of friends and partners from Novi Sad and Kotor. The rethinking of the destination and the „Meeting of Cultures“ route connects the cities of Sarajevo, Novi Sad and Kotor and represents the beginning of the promotion of our heritage, with the hope that we will extend this idea to the whole region and set an example for the whole of Europe and the world.

The Regional Council (RCC) whit the help of funds provided by the European Union, with the purpose of improvement, unifying and promoting offers cultural and adventure tourism in six economies in the Western Balkan, has launched a project to develop and promote tourism of the Western Balkan region.

The main objective of the „SeeCulture“ project is the sustainable development of cultural and tourist destinations and the creation of preconditions for the establishment of a new cultural route „Meeting of Cultures“ by strengthening the common cultural identity of the Western Balkans and the tourist network in order to promote a positive image and better understanding of the Region.

Within this project, Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures in cooperation with the Museum of Sarajevo, Department of Geography Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science, The University of Novi Sad, Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, and Tourism Organization of Kotor launches the project „Strengthening of WB Identity by Exploiting Cultural Cross-roads to Brand New Tourist Destination“ – SeeCulture.

The beginning of this joint initiative was marked by the roundtables „New tourist cultural destinations in the Balkans – Meeting of Cultures“ in Novi Sad, Kotor and Sarajevo.

The joint conclusion of more than 70 participants at the roundtables organized in all three cities is the need to establish a new cultural route „Meeting of Cultures“.[:]