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[:bs]Međunarodna konferencija – Kulturna Raznolikost: Zajedničko Naslijeđe Čovječanstva[:en]International Conference – Cultural Diversity: The Commone Heritage of Humanity[:]

[:bs]Sarajevo, Umjetnička galerija BiH, 18. Oktobar, 2018 godine. – “Cultural diversity: the common heritage of humanity“ organised by Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures and EU Info Centre as part of the Dissemination activity of the CULTURWB Erasmus+ project, gathered over 120 relevant representatives of BiH cultural and tourist organisations and institutions. The conference aimed to reinforce entrepreneurship within the cultural and creative sectors, and to encourage the development of creative clusters or incubators in order to facilitate access to financing and establish an enabling business environment. During the Conference, the CULTURWB Network was officially launched and its future work presented to the audience. The network is the part of the project which addresses the need for strengthening the development of the cultural tourism industry in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

Profound experts from the European Union and the WB region presented the latest developments in the field of cultural tourism and the possibilities for promotion of the cultural heritage of the region, underlining the importance of tourism to the economic and social development of every country.

Dino Mujkić – the President of Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures, stressed the impact of cultural heritage on the promotion of the tourist offer of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the economic boost the sector can achieve. “Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Sarajevo in particular, are symbols of cultural diversity. We have been working for years in order to create bridges that will promote the culture and cultural tourism offer of the country, and our goal is to link all relevant stakeholders to work together, a goal that the initiative CULTURWB aims to achieve,” said dr Mujkić

Organizatori konferencije, Sarajevo Susret Kultura i EU Info Centar, te konzorcij Erasmus+ CULTURWB projekta, zahvaljuju Evropskoj Uniji, Ministarstvu Civilnih Poslova Bosne i Hercegovine i Federalnom Ministarstvu Kulture i Sporta na neprocjenjivoj podršci u organizaciji događaja![:en]Sarajevo, Art Gallery of BiH, October 18, 2018 – The international conference under the title “Cultural diversity: the common heritage of humanity“ organised by Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures and EU Info Centre as part of the Dissemination activity of the CULTURWB Erasmus+ project, gathered over 120 relevant representatives of BiH cultural and tourist organisations and institutions. The conference aimed to reinforce entrepreneurship within the cultural and creative sectors, and to encourage the development of creative clusters or incubators in order to facilitate access to financing and establish an enabling business environment. During the Conference, the CULTURWB Network was officially launched and its future work presented to the audience. The network is the part of the project which addresses the need for strengthening the development of the cultural tourism industry in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

Profound experts from the European Union and the WB region presented the latest developments in the field of cultural tourism and the possibilities for promotion of the cultural heritage of the region, underlining the importance of tourism to the economic and social development of every country.

Dino Mujkić – the President of Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures, stressed the impact of cultural heritage on the promotion of the tourist offer of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the economic boost the sector can achieve. “Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Sarajevo in particular, are symbols of cultural diversity. We have been working for years in order to create bridges that will promote the culture and cultural tourism offer of the country, and our goal is to link all relevant stakeholders to work together, a goal that the initiative CULTURWB aims to achieve,” said dr Mujkić.[:]