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[:bs]CULTURWB, Zenica[:en]CULTURWB, Zenica[:]

[:bs]CULTURWB: SMOC posjećuje Muzej grada Zenice

07.04.2017. Dalji tokovi uspješne implementacije Erasmus+ CULTURWB projekta odveo je predstavnike Sarajevo susret kultura i u Zenicu. Boravak u Zenici je bio posvjećen obilasku Muzej grada Zenice, a kao i u obilasku kulturnih insitucija u Jajcu i Konjicu, sa ciljem predstavljanja projekta i sprovođenja anketnog upitnika o nedostacima u vještinama i kompetencijama u kulturi i turizmu.

Na održanom sastanku u Muzeju, osoblje organizacije je imalo priliku da razgovara sa direktorom Muzeja, gdin. Adnadinom Jašarevićem, koji je omogućio obilazak muzeja i podijelio istoriju njenog nastanka predstavivši značaj svih muzejskih eksponata, sa posebnom pažnjom na „Zbirka savremenih medija XX stoljeća“ kao jedinstvenu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sastanku je takođe bila prisutna i saradnica Muzeja, gđa. Vedrana Mioč koja je istakla značaj članstva ove institucije u Balkan Museum Network-u, te samog razvoja institucije kroz EU fondove.

CULTURWB projekat je finansiran od strane Erasmus+ programa Evropske Unije.[:en]CULTURWB: SMOC visits the Museum of the city Zenica

Further developments in the successful implementation of the Erasmus+ CULTURWB project took representatives of the Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures to Zenica. The visit to Zenica was dedicated to visiting the Museum of the City Zenica, as well as visiting cultural institutions in Jajce and Konjic, with the aim of presenting the project and conducting a questionnaire on gaps in skills and competences in culture and tourism.

At the meeting held at the Museum, the staff of the organization had the opportunity to speak with the Director of the Museum, Mr. Adnadin Jasarevic, who provided a tour of the museum and shared the history of its creation, presenting the importance of all museum exhibits, with particular attention to the “Collection of Contemporary Media of the XX Century” as unique in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting was also attended by an associate of the Museum, Ms. Vedrana Mioč, who emphasized the importance of the institution's membership in the CULTURWB Network and the development of the institution through EU funds in the future.

CULTURWB project is funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ program.[:]